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Appointed Boards

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is the City board whose primary focus is on the future of Wamego, with respect to development of land, regulation of land uses, provision of public facilities and services, etc.  As an advisory board, the Planning Commission conducts public hearings and makes recommendations to the Wamego Governing Body on planning related matters, such as approval of subdivisions, rezoning applications and master plans for City infrastructure.  It is also charged with the responsibility for maintaining the Comprehensive Plan.  The Commission meets at 6:00 PM the third Monday of each month in the City Commission room on the second floor of the Wamego City Office, at 430 Lincoln Avenue.

The City of Wamego has authority to apply its zoning and subdivision regulations outside the City limits, within the “extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction”.  Thus, by State law, two members of the Planning Commission must reside outside Wamego, within three miles of the city limits.   The remaining five members must be residents of the city.  All members serve a three-year term.

Board of Zoning Appeals

The Wamego Board of Zoning Appeals makes decisions in cases where applicants seek a variance from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to accommodate a building or structure.  It also reviews applications for special use permits and home occupations, where proposed activities are not ordinarily permissible on the subject property.  When cases are presented, the Board meets at 6:00 PM the fourth Monday of the month, in the City Commission room, on the second floor of the Wamego City Office, at 430 Lincoln Avenue.

The City of Wamego is authorized to apply its Zoning Ordinance outside the City limits, within the "extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction."  Thus, by State law, one member of the Board of Zoning Appeals must reside within this jurisdiction.  The State also provides that one member of the Board be a member of the Planning Commission.  This person is appointed annually by the Planning Commission.  The remaining four members of the Board of Zoning Appeals serve a three-year term.

Contact the City

Airport Board

The City owns a small airport, located two miles east of Wamego on Airport Road. The Airport has one paved and lighted runway, and currently has several hangars for based aircraft. The five-member Airport Board is the body directly responsible for establishing policies for the Wamego Municipal Airport, and maintaining the facility, such as moving. Members serve three-year terms. They must live within 3 miles of Wamego to serve on this board. Meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month at the Airport, 3985 Airport Rd.

Construction Board of Appeals

The Construction board of appeals is composed of city licensed contractors in various trades and hears cases where a contractor or homeowner wished to employ alternate materials or construction methods that are not ordinarily permitted or addressed by the adopted codes. The Board also may resolve any disputes regarding licensing of contractors for work in Wamego. The Board meets on an as needed basis.

Members serve a three-year term, must hold a current contractor's license from the City of Wamego, and for certain trades, must possess a master or journeyman certification.

Contact the City

Hospital Board

The Wamego Health Center (Hospital) is located on a 6.5 acre tract at 711 Genn Drive.  The city owns the land and the 40,000 square foot Hospital facility.  However, the daily administration of the Hospital is conducted by the Wamego Hospital Association.  The Hospital Board oversees the management of the land and building itself but does not provide oversight of Hospital program administration.

Hospital Board members serve a five-year term.  The Board meets at Noon, the first Wednesday of each month, in the Conference Room at the Wamego Health Center.

Housing Authority

The City of Wamego has one housing project, Northview-- built in 1972 with federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Located at 1201 Chrysler Drive, this location includes multiple housing units and a community building.

This housing area is managed by an Executive Director, with the oversight of the Housing Authority, in accordance with state and federal requirements.   Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at noon in the Community Building at 1201 Chrysler Drive.  Members serve a four-year term.

Library Board

The Wamego Public Library is located at 431 Lincoln Avenue, across the street from the City Office.

The Wamego Public Library is governed by the WPL Board of Trustees, which is appointed by the Wamego Governing Body. The Board utilizes property tax revenues and State funds to support Library facilities, staff and services, makes policy decisions governing activities at the library, and approves expenditures.  Day to day operations is managed by the Library Director.

Board members serve four-year terms.  Meetings are held at 6:00 PM, the second Tuesday of each month, at the library.

Park and Recreation Advisory Board

The Park and Recreation Advisory Board is consulted for land acquisition, large purchases or new Recreation programs. The Wamego Recreation Department provides a wide range of activities and programs for residents of almost any age, including t-ball, baseball, softball, volleyball, flag football, soccer and basketball.  The Recreation Advisory Board assists the Department by providing policy direction with respect to new Recreation programs.  Board members are not required to be residents of the city but should have a strong desire to promote an active lifestyle among residents of the Wamego community.  The Board meets the second Wednesday of each month (or as needed) at 6:00 PM in the City Commission room, 2nd floor of the Wamego City Office at 430 Lincoln Avenue. All members serve a four-year term. The City Contracts with the library for crafts and Columbian Theatre for drama.

Youth Sports Recreation Programs

Adult Sports Recreation Programs

Convention and Visitors Bureau

The Wamego Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is organized under a contract between the City of Wamego and the Wamego Area Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of promoting tourism in and around Wamego, in a manner that strengthens the local economy and enriches the quality of life.  The Bureau is funded by revenues from the transient guest tax.  Members serve two-year terms.  Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month at noon, at the Chamber of Commerce office at 529 Lincoln Avenue.

Contact the City for information about the CVB.

Becoming an Elected Official 

Elections are held by the Pottawatomie County Clerk's Office. The Wamego City Commission is elected to serve four (4) year terms. Each year at least one position expires and is up for election. Anyone interested in running for the City Commission must file at the Pottawatomie County Clerk's  Office. 

Appointed City Board/Commission Application

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is the City board whose primary focus is on the future of Wamego, with respect to development of land, regulation of land uses, provision of public facilities and services, etc.  As an advisory board, the Planning Commission conducts public hearings and makes recommendations to the Wamego Governing Body on planning related matters, such as approval of subdivisions, rezoning applications and master plans for City infrastructure.  It is also charged with the responsibility for maintaining the Comprehensive Plan.  The Commission meets at 6:00 PM the third Monday of each month in the City Commission room on the second floor of the Wamego City Office, at 430 Lincoln Avenue.

The City of Wamego has authority to apply its zoning and subdivision regulations outside the City limits, within the “extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction”.  Thus, by State law, two members of the Planning Commission must reside outside Wamego, within three miles of the city limits.   The remaining five members must be residents of the city.  All members serve a three-year term.

Board of Zoning Appeals

The Wamego Board of Zoning Appeals makes decisions in cases where applicants seek a variance from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to accommodate a building or structure.  It also reviews applications for special use permits and home occupations, where proposed activities are not ordinarily permissible on the subject property.  When cases are presented, the Board meets at 6:00 PM the fourth Monday of the month, in the City Commission room, on the second floor of the Wamego City Office, at 430 Lincoln Avenue.

The City of Wamego is authorized to apply its Zoning Ordinance outside the City limits, within the "extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction."  Thus, by State law, one member of the Board of Zoning Appeals must reside within this jurisdiction.  The State also provides that one member of the Board be a member of the Planning Commission.  This person is appointed annually by the Planning Commission.  The remaining four members of the Board of Zoning Appeals serve a three-year term.

Contact the City

Airport Board

The City owns a small airport, located two miles east of Wamego on Airport Road. The Airport has one paved and lighted runway, and currently has several hangars for based aircraft. The five-member Airport Board is the body directly responsible for establishing policies for the Wamego Municipal Airport, and maintaining the facility, such as moving. Members serve three-year terms. They must live within 3 miles of Wamego to serve on this board. Meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month at the Airport, 3985 Airport Rd.

Construction Board of Appeals

The Construction board of appeals is composed of city licensed contractors in various trades and hears cases where a contractor or homeowner wished to employ alternate materials or construction methods that are not ordinarily permitted or addressed by the adopted codes. The Board also may resolve any disputes regarding licensing of contractors for work in Wamego. The Board meets on an as needed basis.

Members serve a three-year term, must hold a current contractor's license from the City of Wamego, and for certain trades, must possess a master or journeyman certification.

Contact the City

Hospital Board

The Wamego Health Center (Hospital) is located on a 6.5 acre tract at 711 Genn Drive.  The city owns the land and the 40,000 square foot Hospital facility.  However, the daily administration of the Hospital is conducted by the Wamego Hospital Association.  The Hospital Board oversees the management of the land and building itself but does not provide oversight of Hospital program administration.

Hospital Board members serve a five-year term.  The Board meets at Noon, the first Wednesday of each month, in the Conference Room at the Wamego Health Center.

Housing Authority

The City of Wamego has one housing project, Northview-- built in 1972 with federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Located at 1201 Chrysler Drive, this location includes multiple housing units and a community building.

This housing area is managed by an Executive Director, with the oversight of the Housing Authority, in accordance with state and federal requirements.   Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at noon in the Community Building at 1201 Chrysler Drive.  Members serve a four-year term.

Library Board

The Wamego Public Library is located at 431 Lincoln Avenue, across the street from the City Office.

The Wamego Public Library is governed by the WPL Board of Trustees, which is appointed by the Wamego Governing Body. The Board utilizes property tax revenues and State funds to support Library facilities, staff and services, makes policy decisions governing activities at the library, and approves expenditures.  Day to day operations is managed by the Library Director.

Board members serve four-year terms.  Meetings are held at 6:00 PM, the second Tuesday of each month, at the library.

Park and Recreation Advisory Board

The Park and Recreation Advisory Board is consulted for land acquisition, large purchases or new Recreation programs. The Wamego Recreation Department provides a wide range of activities and programs for residents of almost any age, including t-ball, baseball, softball, volleyball, flag football, soccer and basketball.  The Recreation Advisory Board assists the Department by providing policy direction with respect to new Recreation programs.  Board members are not required to be residents of the city but should have a strong desire to promote an active lifestyle among residents of the Wamego community.  The Board meets the second Wednesday of each month (or as needed) at 6:00 PM in the City Commission room, 2nd floor of the Wamego City Office at 430 Lincoln Avenue. All members serve a four-year term. The City Contracts with the library for crafts and Columbian Theatre for drama.

Youth Sports Recreation Programs

Adult Sports Recreation Programs

Convention and Visitors Bureau

The Wamego Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is organized under a contract between the City of Wamego and the Wamego Area Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of promoting tourism in and around Wamego, in a manner that strengthens the local economy and enriches the quality of life.  The Bureau is funded by revenues from the transient guest tax.  Members serve two-year terms.  Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month at noon, at the Chamber of Commerce office at 529 Lincoln Avenue.

Contact the City for information about the CVB.

Becoming an Elected Official 

Elections are held by the Pottawatomie County Clerk's Office. The Wamego City Commission is elected to serve four (4) year terms. Each year at least one position expires and is up for election. Anyone interested in running for the City Commission must file at the Pottawatomie County Clerk's  Office. 

Appointed City Board/Commission Application

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Appointed Boards