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Water & Wastewater

The City of Wamego provides water to about 2,000 customers in the City, and about forty homes located outside the City.  The Water/Wastewater Department operates and maintains the City’s wells, plus 33.5 miles of distribution water mains, and two 500,000-gallon elevated storage towers.  Water is chlorinated at each wellhead, and is also treated with a polyphosphate sequestering agent to control lead, copper, iron and manganese levels in the lines.  Fluoride is also added at each wellhead to help protect residents against tooth decay.  Water quality consistently exceeds State Dept. of Health and Environment standards.  

The Water/Wastewater Department also operates and maintains the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The Plant employs an “activated sludge” mechanical system and has a capacity of 750,000 gallons per day.  Treated wastewater is discharged into the Kansas River.  Present daily flows range from 400,000 gallons to 520,000 gallons.  In addition, the Department is responsible for maintaining the 27 miles of sewer mains throughout Wamego. 

The City of Wamego provides water to about 2,000 customers in the City, and about forty homes located outside the City.  The Water/Wastewater Department operates and maintains the City’s wells, plus 33.5 miles of distribution water mains, and two 500,000-gallon elevated storage towers.  Water is chlorinated at each wellhead, and is also treated with a polyphosphate sequestering agent to control lead, copper, iron and manganese levels in the lines.  Fluoride is also added at each wellhead to help protect residents against tooth decay.  Water quality consistently exceeds State Dept. of Health and Environment standards.  

The Water/Wastewater Department also operates and maintains the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The Plant employs an “activated sludge” mechanical system and has a capacity of 750,000 gallons per day.  Treated wastewater is discharged into the Kansas River.  Present daily flows range from 400,000 gallons to 520,000 gallons.  In addition, the Department is responsible for maintaining the 27 miles of sewer mains throughout Wamego. 

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Water & Wastewater